Reaction Intermediates, Example, and Types

Reaction intermediates are short-lived entities produced during the transformation of reactants to products during chemical reactions. Such substances are highly unstable, quickly transformed into more stable compounds, and are difficult to isolate. These properties made the reactive intermediates different than reactants and products. Reactive intermediates only appear in one of the intermediate steps, while they appear in several elementary steps in other chemical reactions. Its existence can be identified by spectroscopic methods or via chemical trapping.

Types of reaction Intermediates

Basically, reactive intermediates are categorized into 5 types:

Reaction Intermediate examples

Here are some of the examples of reaction intermediates:

reaction intermediate examples


What is reaction intermediate?

Reaction intermediates are short-lived entities produced during the transformation of reactants to products during chemical reactions.

Different types of reaction intermediates

Carbocation, carbanions, free radicals, carbenes, nitrenes, benzyne, etc. are the different types of reaction intermediates

reimer tiemann reaction intermediate

Reimer-Tiemann reaction intermediate is carbene.

Stability of reaction intermediates

Reaction intermediate is very unstable and quickly converted into stable molecules.

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