Chemistry Quiz

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chemistry 2

Chemistry Quiz

1 / 60

The most electropositive element is:

2 / 60

Of the following elements, which one has the highest electronegativity?

3 / 60

Select the correct order of electronegativity(E.N)

4 / 60

The outer electronic configuration of  K, Cu, and Cr are, respectively.

5 / 60

Which element can exhibit more than one oxidation state in compounds?

6 / 60

Which of the following is not an actinide?

7 / 60

Which of the following has the highest electron affinity?

8 / 60

What is the formula for the basic anhydride of Ba(OH)2?

9 / 60

In which of the following compounds is the size of the cation to anion ratio minimum?

10 / 60

Europium belongs to:

11 / 60

Lattice energy of an ionic compound depends upon:

12 / 60

What is the total number of the valence electrons in the peroxydisulphate ion?

13 / 60

Which set of orbitals is listed in the sequential order of filling in a multi-electron atom?

14 / 60

Identify the least stable ion amongst the following

15 / 60

Which of the following ion has smallest radius?

16 / 60

Which property of an element is most dependent on the shielding effect?

17 / 60

Eka-aluminum and eka-silicon are known as:


18 / 60

An element having atomic number 56 belongs to which block?

19 / 60

Which of the following does not reflect the periodicity of elements?

20 / 60

The ionization energy will be maximum for the process

21 / 60

Ce(58) is a member of

22 / 60

Which orbital fills completely immediately before 4f?

23 / 60

Which relationship between the radii of  these species is correct?

24 / 60

Which of the following has the lowest ionization energy?

25 / 60

Which of the following has the largest radius?

26 / 60

Which of the following sets of ions represents a collection of isoelectronic species?

27 / 60

The outer electronic configuration of most electronegative element is

28 / 60

Which ion is not isoelectronic with O²-?

29 / 60

What type of atoms do carbohydrates contain

30 / 60

All of the following are true with respect to carbonyls EXCEPT:

31 / 60

An electron is known to be in the n = 4 shell and the l = 2 subshell. How many possible combinations of quantum numbers could this electron have?

32 / 60

If the equivalent weight of a trivalent metal is 32.7, the molecular weight of its chloride is

33 / 60

The law of reciprocal proportions can be used to determine.......

34 / 60

The ratio of the rates of diffusion of a given element to that of helium is 4. What will be the molecular weight of the element?

35 / 60

The hydrogen phosphate of certain metals has the formula MHPO4. The formula of metal chloride would be

36 / 60

Bassemerisation is  carried out for

37 / 60

Chromium is obtained by reducing concentrated Chromite ore with

38 / 60

Extraction of aluminum from bauxite ore reduction is carried out by

39 / 60

Rutile is separated from chalcopyrite by

40 / 60

Chemical leaching is useful in the concentration of

41 / 60

Electromagnetic separation is used for the concentration of

42 / 60

The two most abundant metals  in the earth crust are

43 / 60

Which one of the following is not an ore of Aluminium?

44 / 60

Natural refractory material used in furnaces is

45 / 60

The extraction of zinc from zinc blende is achieved by

46 / 60

Which of the following compounds has a negative enthalpy solution?

47 / 60

Second electron gain enthalpy is


48 / 60

The ionization energy will be higher when the electron is removed from

49 / 60

Elements having highest ionization potential value is

50 / 60

Which of the following anion has the smallest radius?

51 / 60

Which of the following pair of elements belongs to the same period?

52 / 60

Which of the following is not a representative element?

53 / 60

Zinc and Cadmium metals do not show variable oxidation states because

54 / 60

Transition metals are not characterized by

55 / 60

Which of the following statements is incorrect about the adsorption theory?

56 / 60

From which of the following types of corrosion cavities or holes are produced on a metal surface?

57 / 60

When Pt and Zn are electrically connected, which one gets corroded?

58 / 60

The type of corrosion that is very dangerous and difficult to monitor is

59 / 60

Rusting of Iron is enhanced by

60 / 60

which one of the following elements shows both positive and negative oxidation state?

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