Metallurgy is a branch of materials science and engineering that focus on the studies of the physical and chemical behavior of metallic elements.
A process used to extract metals in their pure form is referred to as metallurgy.
Types of Metallurgy
1. Chemical metallurgy2. Physical metallurgy
Terms involved in Metallurgy
Gangue or Matrix
Principles of Metallurgy
Crushing and Pulverization
Concentration or dressing of ores
physical methods
1. Gravity Separation2. Electromagnetic Separation3. Froth floatation process
Chemical methods
– It is a chemical separation method for carbonate or hydrated oxide ores.
– Calcination is similar to roasting, but this process is concerned with the changes caused by the expulsion of some ingredients such as water and carbon dioxide.– It is a chemical separation method for carbonate or hydrated oxide ores.
Reduction (Extraction of metals)
Smelting– It is a process that involves melting in which a metal is separated from its ore.
Carbon-reduction process (Smelting
Reduction by Aluminum (Aluminothermic or Gold-Schmidt alumino thermic process)